Autel PS100 PowerScan Tool
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- Simultaneously uses the hot lead and the ground lead to activate components right in your hand
- Extremely easy to use and highly reliable
Autel PowerScan PS100 can diagnose the test light, built-in flashlight, short circuit indicator, relay/component tester, continuity tester and bad ground indicator for more than 80 US, Asian and European vehicle
Autel PowerScan PS100 Circuit Tester Feature and Functions:
1. Performs every type of service including power injection, measurement, ground testing, polarity checks, continuity testing and components activation
2. With a flip of the power switch, you have an instant hot/ground lead for powering up electrical components like cooling fans, relays, etc.
3. Easy to read AVOmeter allows you to read voltage, current and resistance at the fingertip
4. Instantly identifies positive, negative and open circuits
5. Simultaneously uses the hot lead and the ground lead to activate components right in your hand
6. Instantly checks continuity of switches, relays and diodes
7. Tests for bad ground contacts instantly, allowing you to follow and locate shorts fast without wasting fuses
8. Circuit breaker protected
9. Built-in Flashlight enables you to work in the dark
10. Audio tone indicator allows for no-look menu scrolling once users are familiar with menu tone assignment
11. 20ft (extendable) cable provides excellent accessibility to test along the vehicle
12. Extremely easy to use and highly reliable

- PowerScan_PS100_User_s_Manual.pdf Download